دعم كوكب الأرض

Whoever declares that life on Earth has moved from another planet, and the other says that life formed on its own after passing through several stages.
Geologists and astronomers say that the emergence of life on Earth took billions of years, after the earth cooled and its seas, mountains and atmosphere formed. During which the earth was exposed to major developments and events and its conditions became ripe for life on it.
The human mind that started thinking trying to explain this ability and understand that life on planet Earth has passed through successive stages.
With regard to the ozone layer, procedures have been identified to be followed at the global, regional and local levels to gradually get rid of substances that deplete the ozone layer. The ozone layer is a fragile shield of gas that protects the Earth from the harmful portion of the sun's rays, helping to sustain life on the planet. The ozone layer has also made a significant contribution to global efforts to address climate change; Moreover, it protects human health and ecosystems by reducing harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching the earth.
Environmental and thermal pollution led to a hole in the ozone layer, which in turn led to an increase in harmful ultraviolet rays that affect humans due to exposure to ultraviolet rays for long periods.
The theme of the celebration of World Earth Day every year is intended to be a call to mobilize to continue exemplary work in protecting the ozone layer and the climate. Action to protect the ozone layer is action to protect the climate.
The globe has turned into an entity trapped under an envelope of polluting gases that traps heat under it, thus raising the Earth's temperature continuously. The many gaps and uncertainties in what we know about global environmental risks, and how to enable societies to use resources, achieve sustainability and wealth efficiently.
Scientists also estimate that, under the influence of the Industrial Revolution, the Earth's temperature has increased by between 3 and 6 degrees Celsius since 1860, and they expect it to continue to rise even if humans stop producing greenhouse gases. This frightening fact is due to a fact; The atmosphere continued for a long time to pass its heat to the oceans, whose great mass of water stores huge amounts of thermal energy. In the past, these changes occurred slowly, but the devastation they are inflicting on the planet is now mounting at an indescribable rate.
Earth's life-support systems should be the first of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Because people are transforming the planet in ways that can undermine development gains. As growing research shows, The stable functioning of terrestrial systems comprising the atmosphere, oceans, forests, waterways, biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles is a prerequisite for a thriving global community.