الجوع والمجاعات في السودان

Hunger is a problem whose effects are magnifying and its dangers are magnified despite the increase in global welfare year after year.. Why does hunger continue to appear despite all this progress.. and what is the fault of these children, the elderly and others in receiving the effects of hunger in a world where the major countries cry out that they are looking for principles . There are approximately 800 million people in the developing world suffering from malnutrition and at least two billion people suffering from mineral and vitamin deficiencies.

دعم كوكب الأرض

Whoever declares that life on Earth has moved from another planet, and the other says that life formed on its own after passing through several stages.
Geologists and astronomers say that the emergence of life on Earth took billions of years, after the earth cooled and its seas, mountains and atmosphere formed. During which the earth was exposed to major developments and events and its conditions became ripe for life on it.
The human mind that started thinking trying to explain this ability and understand that life on planet Earth has passed through successive stages.

معدلات الفقر

Currently in northern Sudan, an estimated 48 percent of the population lives below the poverty lines, with high rates of poverty in rural areas. Unemployment rates are high, in addition to low job opportunities, and thus contribute to the economic disparity in many regions of Sudan


Fighting in Darfur started in 2003 when communities living there took up arms against the government in Khartoum, accusing it of marginalizing Darfur. According to aid workers, at least 200,000 lives have been lost while over two million people have been forced to flee their homes.
The United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator now estimates that almost 300,000 people have died from disease and malnutrition. Darfur is considered to be the world's worst ongoing humanitarian crisis.

Overpopulation of the elderly

Every early person notes the continuous increase in the population worldwide, including the increase in the number of the elderly, and this is due to the health development that the world is witnessing in general with a relative disparity in this matter between the economically developed countries and the underdeveloped countries. Advanced health care leads to a decrease in deaths, especially among children, and this directly works to achieve this population increase in all different age groups of the population pyramid of the world in general and for some countries in particular.

المسنون في التراث العربي

دور المجتمع في حياة الإنسان كبير جداً التوقف عن العمل عند بلوغ الشيخوخة والذي دائماً ما تسوء فيه الحالة الصحية ، وتضيق فيه الأنشطة والاهتمامات . القوة الفيزيائية تقل كثيراً مع مرور السنين وبذلك فهو يحتاج كثيراً ويعتمد كثيراً على أفراد الأسرة . والأسرة السودانية لازالت في تعاضد وترابط ، الجد ، الحبوبة تراث اجتماعي نسعد به كثيراً و(الما عندو كبير يشترى له كبير). نحن من خلال الأسرة الممتدة نرعى كبارنا ونقتدي ونحتكم بهم لأنهم ذوى الخبرة والحنكة .
فالإنسان يولد صغيراً ضعيفاً ثم يصل لعنفوان الشباب الذي يبكى عليه كثير من الناس ويتحسرون عليه ” أود الشباب سريعاً للتعجيب ”
